Connecting People ~ Changing Lives ~ Transforming Communities30 years of Community Renewal in action!
- 55% average drop in major crime in Friendship House neighborhoods
- 52,488 members of the We Care Team (people connected together through caring)
- 7,647 volunteers gave 78,304 hours in 2023
- 4,000+ children and teens helped through Friendship House programs
- 1,850 trained Haven House neighborhood block leaders
- 502 children and youth in Friendship House programs in 2023
- 173 students have earned their high school equivalency diploma at the Adult Renewal Academy
- 50 states in the USA with We Care Team members
- 11 Friendship Houses located in 6 neighborhoods, where after-school programs, adult education programs, and other community activities are hosted
- 11 replication sites now in development or in action in Palestine, Texas; Austin, Texas; Shawnee, Oklahoma; Lawton, Oklahoma; Ringgold, Louisiana; Homer, Louisiana; Birmingham, Alabama; Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota; Washington, D.C.; Abilene, Texas (2001-2020); and Cameroon, Africa
- 6 past and current university partners – Texas Christian University, Northwestern State University, Bossier Parish Community College, Centenary College, Purdue University Agile Strategy Lab and University of Texas School of Architecture
The Friendship House helps keep kids from going out and doing the wrong things. I feel safe with the Friendship House here. I like coming here because I have friends here and I am part of a group. I feel like it’s a family here.”
Friendship House Club Member
The ARA taught me what I have to do in life. A GED may not sound like much, but to somebody who has never had it, it’s a very big accomplishment.”
Breon Morris
ARA Graduate
I live here, my children live here and my business is here. And Community Renewal is the only thing I see that can help ensure the future of my family and my business.”
Keith Gamble
“I think we were placed on the earth to serve, not to be served. This is what grabbed my heart about Community Renewal over ten years ago. ‘Be the fountain and not the drain.’”
Pat & Shanna Durr

The Friendship House showed me how to get along with people and how God can help me with my problems. They made me feel like I am somebody. Now I am a leader in everything I do.”
Friendship House Club Graduate
It’s been a blessing to be in an environment where people actually love you, knowing the broken home that I come from. The years I have been here have made me a leader. After I graduate from Captain Shreve this year, I am going into the military and to college through the Army.”
Friendship House Club Graduate