Volunteer With Us

Make A Difference In Your Own Community

We love our volunteers!

To get involved, please look at the opportunities available to you and select the age-appropriate form!

Rules and Expectations


Please dress appropriately for the task at hand, and be respectful of those you are serving.  Avoid wearing designs incorporating slurs, hate speech, or realistic depictions of violence.

  1. Volunteers should never discipline children or youth.  Should disciplinary action be required, volunteers are to immediately notify the Community Coordinator or other adult supervisor.
  2. Volunteers should not be unsupervised in a room with the children and youth we serve.  The only exception to this is volunteers who agree to have a full background check run on them, who work in specific fields such as Operation: HOPE and/or who will act as trip chaperones.
  3. Volunteers are not allowed to transport children in their personal vehicles.
  4. Volunteers are asked to not give individuals living in the Friendship House neighborhoods money or items directly.  Donations are allowable to be given directly to individuals after consultation with the relevant Community Coordinator.  The Community Coordinator will assure conditions are right for the donation and safeguard the relationships so it does not become one focused solely on material transaction.  This also frees volunteers from any sense of guilt or obligation in giving away what they do choose to give.
  5. Volunteers should not agree to keep secrets or make promises to the children and youth we serve.  This is to protect both volunteer and the youth or child.  Should an individual reveal something to a volunteer that is illegal or dangerous the volunteer is obligated by law to report that information.
  6. Volunteers should not take their own pictures of the children and youth we serve.  CR Staff may share photos with the volunteer taken of the volunteer and those served.
  7. Phones should be kept on vibrate/silent and out of sight while volunteering.  Volunteers should not allow children or youth to use their phone or scroll through their camera roll or social media apps.
  8. Volunteers should avoid Friending children or youth on social media sites, and should not instant/private message them.
  9. Sexual advances or any other sexual behavior is strictly prohibited.  Discussion of sexual preferences or relationships should be avoided.
  10. The use of vulgar, sexist, racist, or hateful language via jokes, anecdotes, or otherwise, will not be tolerated.
  11. Rude or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
  12. Possession or use of any illicit drugs or alcohol during volunteering is strictly prohibited.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Volunteer Here! (18+ only)

    Your Name*:


    Your Birthday*:






    Other Phone:

    May we call you at work?*

    Work Phone:

    What hours/days of the week can we contact you?*

    Work Experience:







    Current level of education:

    Life Experience (interests, abilities, skills, and/or hobbies):

    Volunteer Experience (in your faith community, neighborhood, regular service, etc.):


    Brief description of role:


    Brief description of role:

    Worship Affiliation (if any):

    What would you like to gain from your time with CRI?

    Personal References (name, address, phone number, or other information of a contact not related to you):

    Consent, General Release, and Indemnity Agreement: We, the undersigned, hereby make application to Community Renewal International, Inc. (CRI) for the volunteer named above to participate in CRI programs. In consideration of permission for the volunteer to participate in this activity(ies), the undersigned hereby release, discharge, exonerate, and absolve CRI, its staff, Board, volunteers, representatives, agents, and successors from any and all responsibility and/or claims, and causes of action of any types whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with participation in activities and programs. We agree to indemnify each of them and hold harmless from all obligations, liabilities, claims, demands, costs, expenses, which may rise out of or be connected, directly or indirectly, with said minor's participation in said activity(ies).

    The undersigned warrant that the applicant has never been convicted of a crime and hereby warrant that the applicant has not demonstrated any disciplinary problems or other behavior which would reflect upon or cast doubt upon their ability to adhere to and abide by the Rules and Expectations (see section above).

    * I am willing to work with children or youth and I have fully read and understood the Rules and Expectations involved.

    I solemnly swear, to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information presented in this application is true and complete and that I know of no impediment that would render me unfit to work with children or youth (if working with children or youth). I will keep confidential any information I learn about individuals or families in the course of my volunteer work.

    I give permission to CRI to use photographs or videos of me obtained while participating in events or activities.

    I hereby release, discharge, exonerate and absolve CRI, its staff, Board, volunteers, representatives, agents and successors from any and all responsibility and/or claims, and causes of action of any types whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with participation in activities or programs.

    Initials Here*:

    Enter the code displayed:*


    Volunteer Here! (Under 18)

      Your Name*:

      Your Parent/Legal Guardian*:


      Parent/Guardian's Email*:

      Your Birthday*:






      Other Phone:

      May we call you at work?*

      Work Phone:

      What hours/days of the week can we contact you?*

      Transportation for Volunteer*:

      Medical Insurance Information:

      Personal Physician*:


      Office Address:

      Insurance Company*:

      Policy Holder*:


      Policy Number*:

      Any special medical needs, like allergies, disabilities, or other conditions of which adult supervisors should be aware?*

      If yes, please explain.

      Emergency contacts:







      Work Experience:







      Current level of education (grade or equivalent):

      Life Experience (interests, abilities, skills, and/or hobbies):

      Volunteer Experience (at school, in your faith community, in your neighborhood, etc.):


      Brief description of role:


      Brief description of role:

      Worship Affiliation (if any):

      What would you like to gain from your time with CRI?

      Personal References (name, address, phone number, or other information of a contact not related to you):

      For Parent/Legal Guardian: In case of medical emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me. If I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the physician selected by an adult agency representative in charge to secure proper treatment.

      Parent/Legal Guardian Consent, General Release, and Indemnity Agreement: We, the undersigned, hereby make application to Community Renewal International, Inc. (CRI) for the minor named above to participate in CRI programs. In consideration of permission for the minor to participate in this activity(ies), the undersigned hereby release, discharge, exonerate, and absolve CRI, its staff, Board, volunteers, representatives, agents, and successors from any and all responsibility and/or claims, and causes of action of any types whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with participation in activities and programs. We agree to indemnify each of them and hold harmless from all obligations, liabilities, claims, demands, costs, expenses, which may rise out of or be connected, directly or indirectly, with said minor's participation in said activity(ies).

      The undersigned parent(s)/legal guardian(s) warrant that the applicant has never been convicted of a crime and hereby warrant that the applicant has not demonstrated any disciplinary problems or other behavior which would reflect upon or cast doubt upon their ability to adhere to and abide by the Rules and Expectations (see section above).

      * I am willing to work with children or youth and I have fully read and understood the Rules and Expectations involved.

      I solemnly swear, to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information presented in this application is true and complete and that I know of no impediment that would render me unfit to work with children or youth (if working with children or youth). I will keep confidential any information I learn about individuals or families in the course of my volunteer work.

      I give permission to CRI to use photographs or videos of me obtained while participating in events or activities.

      I hereby release, discharge, exonerate and absolve CRI, its staff, Board, volunteers, representatives, agents and successors from any and all responsibility and/or claims, and causes of action of any types whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with participation in activities or programs.

      Parent/Guardian's Initials Here*:

      Enter the code displayed:*


      In the out-of-school program held at our Friendship Houses called Club, volunteers ages 14 and older work to assists Club members with homework, serve refreshments, play games, and other activities. Opportunities are Monday through Thursday generally 3:30-5:30, during the school year.

      Adults interested in assisting individuals in obtaining their high school equivalency degree or skills for a new job provide assistance using computers, tutoring math, and reading or simply offering words of encouragement. Opportunities are usually mornings, Monday through Thursday.

      Service ProjectsIndividuals interested in volunteering with their coworkers or friends are welcome to perform a one-time service project, or serve on a regular schedule. Opportunities are generally 2-6 hours per session and can occur Mondays through Saturdays.

      Students earning service hours for school clubs, civic groups or course credit are welcome. Opportunities include the out-of-school program, adult education, and others depending on course requirements and schedule availability.

      Contact Us

      For further information, call our main office at (318) 425-3222 or email Sherry Brown, our Volunteer Coordinator »